AustinWoman v2.0 Circulatory System AustinWoman v2.0 Brain AustinWoman v2.0 Respiratory System AustinWoman v2.0 Circulatory System AustinWoman v2.0 Digestive System

AustinWoman Electromagnetic Voxels

An Open Source Model Constructed from the Visible Human Dataset

Homogeneous Model

During the development of the AustinWoman Electromagnetic Voxels, a homogeneous whole-body voxel model was also developed by using the mask slices 1001 - 2878 (Fig. 3). Various resolution models (from 1/3 × 1/3 × 1 mm3 to 16 × 16 × 1 mm3 ) were obtained: the Homogeneous AustinWoman v1.0 model was obtained using the 3-D coarsening method. All of the voxels in the model are assigned the following electromagnetic properties: Relative permittivity εr = 55.0 and conductivity σ = 1.05 S/m for the whole-body model; these are the IEEE standard SAM phantom values at 900 MHz [11]. Note again the caveat that the homogeneous AustinWoman voxel models are slightly larger than the actual body (see the Masking section).

Due to the inherent inaccuracy of representing the entire human body with a single effective material, these models are not posted online. Users are strongly encouraged to use the heterogeneous models. Please contact us to discuss obtaining the homogeneous models.

Whole-body homogeneous model
Figure 3: Whole-body homogeneous model.