AustinMan v2.0 Legs AutsinMan v1.2 Circulatory System AutsinMan v1.2 Musculoskeletal System AutsinMan v2.0 Digestive System and Lungs AustinMan v2.0 Select Organs

AustinMan Electromagnetic Voxels

An Open-Source Model Constructed from the Visible Human Dataset

BRISKit, Segments, and Masks

The Boundary and Region Identification Software Kit (BRISKit), segments, and masks are provided so that others can validate and improve the existing dataset that is used to create the models listed above. BRISKit is a MATLAB graphical user interface program that was developed for this project and was used to identify the different tissues in each slice of the AustinMan and AustinWoman models. A PDF is included that explains how to use the program. The segmented slices are MATLAB .mat files that contain a matrix with material IDs that correspond to the pixels of the cropped and shifted slice. The masks are the black and white PNG files that distinguish between the body and background material. The links below are to .zip files to make it easier to download the datasets.

BRISKit is now hosted on github to ecourage continued open-source development.

Older versions: