Archive: Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 26010016 01-23-2023 19:16 13040210/hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv : (CSV) output: hydraulic property table (river geometry), with return period, bankfull, and limiting discharge attributes. The limiting discharge is computed using the new method based on HydroID catchment area and its upstream cumulative drainage area (CDA). If a river flows into a HUC unit, the CDA of the first HydroID is initialized using (TotDASqKM - AreaSqKM) of the corresponding COMID in NHDPlusV21 MR. 910511469 01-23-2023 19:17 13040210/rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif : (raster) output: Healed HAND 1329223 01-23-2023 19:24 13040210/ : (zip) output+input: zip file for the FileGDB version of all the GPKG files, i.e., demDerived_reaches_split_filtered_addedAttributes_crosswalked.gdb; gw_catchments_reaches_filtered_addedAttributes_crosswalked.gdb; NHDPlusBurnLineEvent_subset.gdb; wbd_buffered.gdb; nhd_headwater_points_subset.gdb; nwm_subset_streams.gdb; nwm_catchments_proj_subset.gdb 9953937 01-23-2023 19:15 13040210/hydroTable.csv : (CSV) output: hydraulic property table (river geometry) generated by FIM3. 11108352 01-23-2023 19:15 13040210/demDerived_reaches_split_filtered_addedAttributes_crosswalked.gpkg : (GPKG) output: HydroID-based flowlines (river network). A feature_id is often split into a few HydroIDs. 25874696 01-23-2023 18:39 13040210/demDerived_streamPixels.tif : (raster) output: DEV-derived stream grid. 34422784 01-23-2023 19:15 13040210/gw_catchments_reaches_filtered_addedAttributes_crosswalked.gpkg : (GPKG) output: HydroID-based catchment polygons. A feature_id is often split into a few HydroIDs. 15331 01-23-2023 19:15 13040210/crosswalk_table.csv : (CSV) output: HydroID-feature_id mapping table. --------- ------- 1019225808 8 files