# Notes for December 2022 Pin2Flood data ## Covered HUC8s ['12090204', '12090301', '12090109', '12090201', '12090205', '12090206', '12070102', '12070203', '12070204', '12070205', '12100201', '12100202', '12100203'] Computing of the 13 HCU8 units was done in 10 hours on ORNL CADES cloud. Data transfer of the 104GB output to Stampede2@TACC for publishing on Corral took 13 minutes. All the data are available for download after 10am EST, November 15, 2022. ## Metadata Each HUC has a zip file. Please read ${HUC}.txt for the description of the content. ## Changes I have made the following changes to the workflow software: - Added Healed HAND raster (`rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif`); - Added the enhanced hydraulic properties file (`hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv`), in which return period and bankfull attributes are computed from NOAA NWM Reanalysis V21 dataset and limiting discharge attributes are computed using catchment area and its upstream cumulative drainage area (CDA). If a river flows into a HUC, the initial value of CDA is carried from its COMID in NHDPlusV21 MR dataset. All the return period/bankfull/limiting discharge attribute names specify the unit (e.g., cms, cfs) if using one; - In the new hydraulic properties file (`hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv`), the ID of a split river reach is now renamed to `FATSGTID`. `HydroID` is no longer used in this file (it is still used in FIM3 output); - Added `filegdb.zip` to include the FileGDB version of selected GPKG vector output; - Input DEM is aligned from (0,0) of the target projection (EPSG:5070) and is given a fixed cell size 3m x 3m in order to align rasters from multiple HUC8s correctly to eliminate the half-cell misalignment issue. ## Data packed for convenience - Reach flowlines: https://web.corral.tacc.utexas.edu/nfiedata/pin2flood/2022-December/reaches.gdb.zip - Catchments: https://web.corral.tacc.utexas.edu/nfiedata/pin2flood/2022-December/catchments.gdb.zip - Synthetic rating curve: https://web.corral.tacc.utexas.edu/nfiedata/pin2flood/2022-December/synthetic-rating-curve.zip - DEM: https://web.corral.tacc.utexas.edu/nfiedata/pin2flood/2022-December/fathom3m-dem.zip - Healed HAND: https://web.corral.tacc.utexas.edu/nfiedata/pin2flood/2022-December/hhand.zip Content of synthetic rating curve zip: ``` Archive: synthetic-rating-curve.zip Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 48169293 11-27-2022 16:31 12070102_hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv 46651485 11-27-2022 16:31 12070203_hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv 36303331 11-27-2022 16:31 12070204_hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv 46797103 11-27-2022 16:31 12070205_hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv 71879484 11-27-2022 16:31 12090109_hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv 41151209 11-27-2022 16:31 12090201_hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv 92996378 11-27-2022 16:31 12090204_hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv 42770976 11-27-2022 16:31 12090205_hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv 36746063 11-27-2022 16:31 12090206_hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv 87009490 11-27-2022 16:31 12090301_hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv 47296746 11-27-2022 16:31 12100201_hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv 75851019 11-27-2022 16:31 12100202_hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv 43408286 11-27-2022 16:31 12100203_hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv --------- ------- 717030863 13 files ``` Content of healed hand zip: ``` Archive: hhand.zip Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 1449440042 11-14-2022 19:26 12070102_rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif 1625890479 11-14-2022 19:52 12070203_rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif 1088207241 11-14-2022 21:26 12070204_rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif 1421907769 11-14-2022 21:33 12070205_rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif 2289634712 11-14-2022 17:50 12090109_rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif 1376335143 11-14-2022 16:40 12090201_rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif 2743401979 11-14-2022 17:35 12090204_rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif 1349699563 11-14-2022 19:23 12090205_rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif 1353760711 11-14-2022 19:20 12090206_rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif 2422990273 11-14-2022 17:28 12090301_rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif 1534104960 11-14-2022 21:50 12100201_rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif 2390218765 11-14-2022 22:27 12100202_rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif 1489932502 11-15-2022 00:23 12100203_rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif --------- ------- 22535524139 13 files `` Content of DEM zip: ``` Archive: fathom3m-dem.zip Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 2091022104 11-14-2022 18:08 12070102_dem_meters.tif 2416828977 11-14-2022 18:16 12070203_dem_meters.tif 1756495799 11-14-2022 20:15 12070204_dem_meters.tif 2153471487 11-14-2022 20:09 12070205_dem_meters.tif 3441357569 11-14-2022 15:22 12090109_dem_meters.tif 2315883211 11-14-2022 15:15 12090201_dem_meters.tif 3695254329 11-14-2022 15:10 12090204_dem_meters.tif 2084280076 11-14-2022 18:09 12090205_dem_meters.tif 2078607452 11-14-2022 18:12 12090206_dem_meters.tif 3387831711 11-14-2022 15:12 12090301_dem_meters.tif 2365036405 11-14-2022 20:23 12100201_dem_meters.tif 3497564446 11-14-2022 20:14 12100202_dem_meters.tif 2325197076 11-14-2022 22:53 12100203_dem_meters.tif ``` Yan Liu November 15, 2022