Archive: Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 48169293 11-23-2022 18:28 12070102/hydroTable_rp_bf_lmtdischarge_cda.csv : (CSV) output: hydraulic property table (river geometry), with return period, bankfull, and limiting discharge attributes. The limiting discharge is computed using the new method based on HydroID catchment area and its upstream cumulative drainage area (CDA). If a river flows into a HUC unit, the CDA of the first HydroID is initialized using (TotDASqKM - AreaSqKM) of the corresponding COMID in NHDPlusV21 MR. 1449440042 11-23-2022 18:29 12070102/rem_zeroed_masked_healed.tif : (raster) output: Healed HAND 4477642 11-23-2022 18:32 12070102/ : (zip) output: zip file for the FileGDB version of all the GPKG output, i.e., demDerived_reaches_split_filtered_addedAttributes_crosswalked.gdb ; gw_catchments_reaches_filtered_addedAttributes_crosswalked.gdb ; NHDPlusBurnLineEvent_subset.gdb ; wbd_buffered.gdb ; nhd_headwater_points_subset.gdb ; nwm_subset_streams.gdb ; nwm_catchments_proj_subset.gdb . 1451647473 11-23-2022 18:11 12070102/rem_zeroed_masked.tif : (raster) output: HAND 18199887 11-23-2022 18:27 12070102/hydroTable.csv : (CSV) output: hydraulic property table (river geometry) generated by FIM3. 497 11-23-2022 18:27 12070102/small_segments.csv : (CSV) output: small segment replacement properties: short_id,str_order,update_id 5969416 11-23-2022 18:27 12070102/src.json : (JSON) output: streamflow-stage lookup list by COMIDs 2091022104 11-23-2022 17:12 12070102/dem_meters.tif : (raster) input: input DEM 19435520 11-23-2022 18:27 12070102/demDerived_reaches_split_filtered_addedAttributes_crosswalked.gpkg : (GPKG) output: HydroID-based flowlines (river network). A feature_id is often split into a few HydroIDs. 61669376 11-23-2022 18:27 12070102/gw_catchments_reaches_filtered_addedAttributes_crosswalked.gpkg : (GPKG) output: HydroID-based catchment polygons. A feature_id is often split into a few HydroIDs. 166683980 11-23-2022 18:09 12070102/gw_catchments_reaches_filtered_addedAttributes.tif : (raster) output: HydroID-based catchment raster. 29939 11-23-2022 18:27 12070102/crosswalk_table.csv : (CSV) output: HydroID-feature_id mapping table. 136296 11-23-2022 17:54 12070102/demDerived_reaches.dbf : (Shapefile) output: feature_id-based DEM-derived flowlines (river network). Attribute table. 459 11-23-2022 17:54 12070102/demDerived_reaches.prj : (Shapefile) output: feature_id-based DEM-derived flowlines (river network). Projection. 14157508 11-23-2022 17:54 12070102/demDerived_reaches.shp : (Shapefile) output: feature_id-based DEM-derived flowlines (river network). Shapefile 5556 11-23-2022 17:54 12070102/demDerived_reaches.shx : (Shapefile) output: feature_id-based DEM-derived flowlines (river network). Spatial index. 4550656 11-23-2022 17:10 12070102/NHDPlusBurnLineEvent_subset.gpkg : (GPKG) input: NHDPlus HR flowline subset for this HUC. 31785465 11-23-2022 18:27 12070102/src_full_crosswalked.csv : (CSV) output: intermediate output of the hydraulic property table. 19092947 11-23-2022 17:40 12070102/demDerived_streamPixels.tif : (raster) output: DEV-derived stream grid. 2182960007 11-23-2022 17:51 12070102/dem_thalwegCond.tif : (raster) output: Thalweg-conditioned DEM. 207500049 11-23-2022 17:35 12070102/flowdir_d8_burned_filled.tif : (raster) output: D8 flow direction 184320 11-23-2022 17:09 12070102/wbd.gpkg : (GPKG) input: WBD. 323584 11-23-2022 17:10 12070102/wbd8_clp.gpkg : (GPKG) input: WBD of corresponding HUC8. 118784 11-23-2022 17:09 12070102/wbd_buffered.gpkg : (GPKG) output: Buffered WBD. 147456 11-23-2022 17:09 12070102/nhd_headwater_points_subset.gpkg : (GPKG) input: adjusted NHDPlus headwater points based on NHDPlus HR flowlines. From NWM hydrofabric. 126976 11-23-2022 17:09 12070102/nwm_lakes_proj_subset.gpkg : (GPKG) input: Lakes subset for this HUC. From NWM hydrofabric. 1142784 11-23-2022 17:10 12070102/nwm_subset_streams.gpkg : (GPKG) input: adjusted flowline data for this HUC. From NWM hydrofabric. 5382144 11-23-2022 17:10 12070102/nwm_catchments_proj_subset.gpkg : (GPKG) input: adjusted NHDPlus MR catchment polygons for this HUC. From NWM hydrofabric. --------- ------- 7784360160 28 files