############################ ### README for EGSz9.cat ### ############################ This catalog includes the seven z~9 galaxies in the EGS field presented by Finkelstein et al. (2022). The JWST photometry is estimated using the best-fit EAZY template for each source's Hubble and Spitzer photometry. The catalog is available as an ASCII table (EGSz9.cat). The catalog contains the following columns: galid n/a galaxy id from Finkelstein et al. (2022) redshift n/a redshift with peculiar velocity ra [degree] ra positions in sky dec [degree] dec positions in sky angular_size [arcsec] effective radius of the galaxy ellipticity n/a ellipticity of the galaxy pos_angle n/a inclination along the line of sight sersic_index n/a sersic index based on Wuyts et al. 2012 and observed-frame luminosities for the following filters (including IGM and ISM attenuation effects): NIRCam_F070W [AB mag] NIRCam_F090W [AB mag] NIRCam_F115W [AB mag] NIRCam_F150W [AB mag] NIRCam_F200W [AB mag] NIRCam_F277W [AB mag] NIRCam_F356W [AB mag] NIRCam_F444W [AB mag] NIRCam_F410M [AB mag] NIRCam_F430M [AB mag] NIRCam_F460M [AB mag] NIRCam_F480M [AB mag] MIRI_F560W [Jy] MIRI_F770W [Jy] MIRI_F1000W [Jy] MIRI_F1500W [Jy] MIRI_F1800W [Jy] MIRI_F2100W [Jy] References: - Source detection, photometry, and SED templates: Finkelstein et al. 2022