################################################################### ### Simulated NIRCam imaging and reduction for CEERS Pointing 5 ### ################################################################### *** We recommend starting with part1/ceers_nircam_reduction.ipynb. This Jupyter notebook provides info and examples of running raw CEERS NIRCam images through all stages of the JWST Calibration Pipeline as well as custom processing steps we've developed for the simulated data. Note total disk space after running the pipeline: ~15 GB *** If you wish to reduce the full CEERS 5 pointing (90 raw images in total), see part2/README.txt (and below for more info). Note total disk space after running the pipeline: ~140-150 GB ############ ## Summary Instrument: NIRCam Mode: Imaging Source of Simulations: MIRAGE v2.1.0 Calibration Pipeline Used: jwst v1.2.3 Target: CEERS Pointing 5 (in parallel with prime NIRSpec MSA) Filters: SWC F115W, F150W, F200W; LWC F277W, F356W, F444W Readout: MEDIUM8 Observation specification: 9 groups, 1 integration Dithers: 3 dithers, steps specified by primary instrument APT (version 2021.2): CEERS ERS 1345 Contact: Micaela Bagley (mbagley@utexas.edu) ####################### ## Simulated data set CEERS 5 is a single NIRCam pointing, observed in imaging mode in parallel to prime NIRSpec MSA observations. The pointing is observed with 6 filters: short wavelength channel (SWC) filters F115W, F150W, and F200W, and long wavelength channel (LWC) filters F277W, F356W, and F444W. There is a three point dither in each filter, defined by the 3 slitlet nods of the NIRSpec primary observations. We have simulated NIRCam images using MIRAGE version 2.1.0, with input sources taken from a mock catalog created using the Santa Cruz semi-analytic model for galaxy evolution. The images were simulated using pointing and XML files based on the CEERS APT (with modifications required for MIRAGE to simulate the custom primary-parallel dither patterns planned for CEERS observations). In total there are 90 raw simulated images: - 24 each for the SWC filters (8 SWC detectors * 3 dithers) - 6 each for the LWC filters (2 LWC detectors * 3 dithers) ############# ### Mosaics We provide fully reduced mosaics in all 6 filters in the mosaics directory. The mosaics are called ceers5_[filt]_i2d.fits, where filt is one of: SWC filters: f115w, f150w, f200w LWC filters: f277w, f356w, f444w The mosaics are gzipped and unzip to 5 GB (SWC) and 1.2 GB (LWC). These images were processed through jwst version 1.2.3, with custom steps developed to handle the specifics of the simulated data. The mosaics are on pixel scales of 0.015"/pix (SWC) and 0.03"/pix (LWC). ***Note that the images are NOT pixel-aligned. Pixel-aligned images across all filters will be part of our next data release. We also include preliminary photometric catalogs, produced using the default options for the SourceCatalog step of the Stage 3 pipeline. The SourceCatalog parameters are not yet optimized, and so the photometric catalogs are not final. We include them here as an example of the pipeline outputs. See the mosaics directory for a comparison of the input and recovered photometry. ################### ## Data Reduction We provide instructions on how to reduce the simulated data in two parts: - part1: All input files necessary to reduce exposures for one detector of the F115W imaging and one detector of the F277W imaging, including a jupyter notebook that demonstrates running the jwst pipeline steps and our custom processing steps. - part2: Batch scripts to reduce all 90 raw images through all pipeline and custom steps. Note: The reference file mapping used to create the simulated images has since been deprecated. The main difference between the old mapping and the one we now recommend (`jwst_0674.pmap`) is in the bad pixel maps. Therefore, a small number of pixels in your reduced images may be incorrectly flagged as bad or incorrectly assumed to be good. ######################### ## part1.tar.gz, ~650 MB Untars to ~1.2 GB, takes up ~8 GB including all calibration pipeline outputs, i.e., after running all steps in the notebook (plus an additional ~7 GB of downloaded JWST reference files) This directory contains everything needed to produce 2 partial mosaics, each combining 3 exposures of a single NIRCam detector: - F115W: 3 dithered exposures of the A1 detector - F277W: 3 dithered exposures of the A5 detector including all parameter files, association files, and custom reference files. See the Jupyter notebook ceers_nircam_reduction.ipynb for information, including installation and set-up, examples of running the pipeline using the three calling methods, and detailed descriptions of each processing step. While we have processed the mosaics with JWST Calibration Pipeline version 1.2.3, we recommend using version 1.3.3 with the Jupyter notebook. ######################### ## part2.tar.gz, ~8.3 GB Untars to ~13 GB, takes up **~95 GB** after performing all processing steps This directory contains everything needed to produce 6 full mosaics, each combining 3 exposures and all NIRCam detectors: - F115W, F150W, F200W: Each filter has 8 detectors and 3 dithered exposures - F277W, F356W, F444W: Each filter has 2 detectors and 3 dithered exposures We provide batch scripts for each pipeline stage/processing step that call all necessary parameter, association, and reference files as described in part1/ceers_nircam_reduction.ipynb. See part2/README.txt for instructions. - rundetector1: Runs the 90 raw *uncal.fits images through calwebb_detector1 - remstriping.py: Removes 1/f noise striping patterns from countrate images - runimage2: Runs the 90 countrate *rate.fits images through calwebb_image2 - applyflat.py: Removes a large-scale feature present on the A5 detector - runskymatch: Runs sky subtraction (SkyMatchStep) on the 90 *cal.fits images - runimage3: Runs the 6 filter associations through calwebb_image3