############################## ### CEERS Data Release 0.7 ### ############################## Date Released: 3 October, 2023 Here we provide our team's reductions of the CEERS NIRCam WFSS observations. These CEERS Epoch 2 observations are of pointings 5, 7, 8 and 9, and were obtained as prime observations in December 2022 with MIRI imaging in parallel. ############ ### Summary Instrument: NIRCam Mode: Wide Field Slitless Spectroscopy Calibration Pipeline Used: jwst v1.10.2 (Stages 1 and 2, custom procedures used for spectral calibration and extraction) CRDS Context pmap: 1089 Target: NIRCam Pointings 5, 7, 8, 9 Filters: F356W Readout: SHALLOW4 Observation specification: 6 groups, 1 integration Dithers: 4-point dithers, optimized for NIRCam+MIRI-F1500W Contact: Nor Pirzkal (npirzkal@stsci.edu) ##################################### ### CEERS NIRCam WFSS observations This data release includes CEERS NIRCam WFSS pointings 5, 7, 8 and 9, obtained as prime observations with MIRI imaging in parallel. These pointings were chosen to maximize the overlap between the NIRCam grism and NIRSpec MSA observations. Each pointing is observed with the F356W filter, covering ~3.1-4.0 um with R~1600, using both the row (GRISMR) and column (GRISMC) grisms. Grism observations were accompanied by direct imaging with F356W, including two out-of-field dithered parallel to the dispersion direction to identify off-image sources with dispersed spectra in the grism FOV. All LW observations were paired with F115W imaging. The imaging was included in our NIRCam imaging data release DR0.6. ##################################### ### Data reduction and calibration We processed the raw data through Stages 1 and 2 of the JWST Calibration Pipeline (Bushouse et al. 2023, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7829329) to perform detector-level corrections and create output countrate images. The WFSS data are then processed through custom procedures designed to optimize the modeling and extraction of slitless spectroscopic data. We briefly summarize these steps below, but see Pirzkal et al. 2017 for details. (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017ApJ...846...84P/abstract) Imaging mosaics were created from running the direct imaging through Stages 2 and 3 of the Calibration Pipeline to create mosaics in F356W. These mosaics were not GAIA corrected as to not break relative astrometry to the WFSS observations. The extraction catalog and segmentation map were generated from the full CEERS imaging mosaics (including all NIRCam imaging from CEERS data releases DR0.5 and DR0.6), and affine transformations were computed between the F356W direct imaging mosaics and the full extraction catalog. We used the full extraction catalog including all available NIRCam LW bands to pre-compute and model contamination from overlapping spectra. We extract spectra down to the detection limit of the F356W mosaic in order to get as complete a model of contamination as possible. However, we release here spectra extracted down to F356W = 25 (AB mag), as contamination in slitless data is of increasing concern for fainter targets. Extractions of fainter sources will be included in a future release. The WFSS calibration was derived using commissioning data from PID01076. This calibration is current as of June 2023, though it is not yet included in CRDS. A new and improved calibration will be available soon. ######################### ### Directory Contents Spectra for each pointing are stored in separated directories. The filenames are of the form: [pointing]/[grism]/[module]_F356W_[grism]_[obj]_dr0.7_[ext].fits where: - [pointing] is one of 'nircam5', 'nircam7', 'nircam8' or 'nircam9' - [grism] is either 'GRISMR' or 'GRISMC' - [module] refers to the NIRCam module and is either 'A' or 'B' - [obj] is the source ID number - [ext] is one of: - 's2d': rectified 2D spectrum in units of DN/pixel - 'x1d': extracted 1D spectrum in units of erg/s/cm^2/A Auxiliary files: - CEERS_NIRCam_WFSS_catalog.csv - F356W catalog proviging source ID number, RA and Dec, and F356W magnitude. It also specifies which CEERS pointing and NIRCam module (A or B) each source is in, and whether the source is covered by the GRISMR and/or GRISMC observations. - [pointing]/plots/individual_grisms/[module]_F356W_[grism]_[obj]_dr0.7.pdf - diagnostic plot showing 2D and 1D spectra for the individual grisms as well as an image stamp of the source in F356W. The 1D plot shows the flux extracted using both a box extraction and our optimal extraction - [pointing]/plots/combined_grisms/[pointing]_[module]_[obj].pdf - diagnostic plot combinging both GRISMR and GRISMC observations (where available) of the source #################### ### File structure Rectified 2D spectra (*_s2d.fits) are multi-extension fits files with 7 extensions: 0. PRIMARY header 1. 2D_COUNT - 2D data array (DN/s) 2. 2D_ERR - 2D error array 3. 2D_TCOUNT - 2D array of total counts 4. 2D_CCOUNT - 2D array of estimated contamination counts 5. 2D_MCOUNT - 2D model estimated counts (based on photometry) 6. 2D_WAVE - 2D wavelength array (um) Extracted 1D spectra (*_x1d.fits) are single-extension fits files containing a table with the following columns: - WAVELENGTH (um) - OPTFLUX, flux using optimal extraction as described above (erg/s/cm^2/A) - FLUXERR, flux error from optimal extraction (erg/s/cm^2/A)