estimate name : ECCO version 4 release 2 ocean state estimate estimate source : Gael Forget, on behalf of the ECCO consortium support contact : references : Forget, G., J.-M. Campin, P. Heimbach, C. N. Hill, R. M. Ponte, and C. Wunsch, 2015: ECCO version 4: an integrated framework for non-linear inverse modeling and global ocean state estimation. Geoscientific Model Development, 8, 3071-3104, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-3071-2015 released files history : 2016/03/24 : second release of ECCO v4 (GF) 2014/02/04 : initial release of ECCO v4 (GF) state estimate revision history (see Forget et al 2015): rev4it12 : include geothermal heating, targeted bottom viscosity, and 2000-2011 wind stress adjustments that were omitted in r4it11; adjust global mean precipitation to closely match aviso global mean time series; put adjusted forcing fields on llc90 grid (GF). rev4it11 : reduce background vertical viscosity (GF). rev4it10 : cleanup control vector adjustments (GF). rev4it9 : optim. global mean sea level alone (GF). rev4it0-8 : full adjoint iterations, omitting global mean sea level altimetry constraint (GF). rev1,rev2,rev3 : preliminary adjoint iterations (GF).