atn 9.Feb.2021 Content in this matlab_tools directory: 0. ASTE_mlibrary : important matlab functions , should always be added to path ASTE_mlibrary/gcmfaces_mod : some important functions modified from gcmfaces, should always be added to path ASTE_mlibrary/MITprof_toolbox : some simple functions modified from MITprof pkg to handle profiles, should add to path if looking at profiles (Note: the most important and relevant tiles_params.mat is in ASTE_mlibrary) 1. example_read_plot_ASTE : to get started on how to perform simple read/plot, include output figures 2. example_budget_tracers : to perform full tracer budgets, including output figures 3. example_NordicSeas : to assemble several tiles into a Nordic Seas domain, including all treatments of velocity and grid rotations, include 1 output figure 4. example_profiles : to load and calculate normalized misfit between model and obs profiles, include 1 output figure