Afternoon session: His behavior was so-so today- he did really well in the first half of sample-test trials but then missed the last 4 of the tests in sample-test trials. He got 0/6 in post test trials. He ran straight through on all post test trials without stopping. I think he may not be feeling well the last two days that I have tested him. He has been urinating in the rest box, and today he was defecating in there during the second half of post-test trials. Yesterday, I fed him 5 pellets. Today, the other LED and cap broke, so I am using a different LED taped in place on a different cap. sleep 5 min pre-running: 6 laps, no reward. sleep 5 min sample-test: 8 trials sleep 5 min post-test: 6 tests sleep 5 min The circular track was rotated today, and the animal box was close to the computer. The reward location was 12. EEG seems good today. Cells on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 10, 16, & 18, may have cells.