++ basename /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectSDRdnb.sh + FUNC=projectSDRdnb.sh ++ dirname /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectSDRdnb.sh + scriptDir=/mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts ++ fullpath /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts + scriptDir=/mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts + svmParams=/mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigm.svd.params + '[' 5 -lt 1 ']' + lon1=-107 + shift + lat1=25 + shift + lon2=-93 + shift + lat2=37 + shift + for binFile in '$@' ++ dirname SVDNB_npp_d20131111_t0808193_radiance.bin + dataDir=. ++ fullpath . + dataDir=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801 ++ echo SVDNB_npp_d20131111_t0808193_radiance.bin ++ cut -d_ -f1 + prefix=SVDNB ++ cut -c1-3 ++ echo SVDNB + pre=SVD ++ echo SVDNB_npp_d20131111_t0808193_radiance.bin ++ cut -d_ -f2-4 + satDateTime=npp_d20131111_t0808193 ++ ls /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/GDNBOnpp_d20131111_t0808193_lon.bin + lonMFile=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/GDNBOnpp_d20131111_t0808193_lon.bin ++ ls /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/GDNBOnpp_d20131111_t0808193_lat.bin + latMFile=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/GDNBOnpp_d20131111_t0808193_lat.bin ++ tail ++ ls /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/SVDNB_npp_d20131111_t0808193_radiance.bin + svdFile=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/SVDNB_npp_d20131111_t0808193_radiance.bin + outDnb=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/SVDNB_npp_d20131111_t0808193_reg.bsq + /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigmsetlnx -I /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigm.svd.params -f -107 -F 25 -l -93 -L 37 -b /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/SVDNB_npp_d20131111_t0808193_radiance.bin -lf /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/GDNBOnpp_d20131111_t0808193_lon.bin -LF /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/GDNBOnpp_d20131111_t0808193_lat.bin -o /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/SVDNB_npp_d20131111_t0808193_reg.bsq Read params from Input file /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigm.svd.params Input parameters: BSQ File:-b:Input Filename STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/SVDNB_npp_d20131111_t0808193_radiance.bin Output File:-o:Output Filename STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/SVDNB_npp_d20131111_t0808193_reg.bsq Map Bounds:-mb:Use Map units for bounds TOG = 0 First Longitude:-f:Upper Left DBL = -107 First Latitude:-F:Upper Left DBL = 25 Last Longitude:-l:Lower Right DBL = -93 Last Latitude:-L:Lower Right DBL = 37 X-resolution:-x:Map Units DBL = 0.0078 Y-resolution:-y:Map Units DBL = 0.0068 Map Proj:-m:GEO,UTM,TCMS/LC,TCMS/AEA,Texas_Ortho,Texas_Stereo,CUSTOM STR = geo UTM Zone:-uz:Requested Zone for UTM INT = -1 Datum:-d:Datum of Projection STR = WGS-84 Longitude File:-lf:longitude band file STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/GDNBOnpp_d20131111_t0808193_lon.bin Latitude File:-LF:latitude band file STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/GDNBOnpp_d20131111_t0808193_lat.bin Lon,Lat Bands:-lb:band numbers of lon/lat in file(s) STR = 0,0 Fill Flag:-ff:Fill empty pix:0-no 1-nn 2-wavg 3-sqwavg; <0-interp. all pixels INT = -1 Box Size:-bs:Maximum Fillbox Size INT = 5 Map Coverage:-mc:Use pixel coverage mapping: >0=if nint(in_res/out_res) > ud) 0=no <0=yes INT = 2 Bad Value:-bv:default bad value DBL = -999.7 Data Selection:-ds:comma seperated band number list STR = 0 Dimension Mappings:-dm:use : for dim separator STR = 1,1,0:2,1,0 Geocentric Input:-gc:Map Units TOG = 0 BSQ File = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2013_11_11_315_0801/SVDNB_npp_d20131111_t0808193_radiance.bin Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 list not set Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Available Datafields: 0: SVDNBradiance Selected BSQ Bands: 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Geofield Dimensions: 1: height 33 2: width 4064 Using User Input for Mapping of Geofields to Datafields Datafield 0 height 33: 1,1,0 from input parameter width 4064: 2,1,0 from input parameter Scene Bounds -111.66266x38.570114 -77.918457x33.383507 -111.67665x38.365349 -78.017517x33.19099 requested llBounds -107 37 -93 25 Mapbounds -107 25 -93 37 newllbounds -107 25 -93 37 Swath Center Resolution 0.00835809x0.00667702 degrees or 0.00835809x0.00667702 map units Requested Map Resolution 0.0078x0.0068 map units Not using pixel coverage deltas Output dims: 1795 pixels by 1765 lines subbounds -107x37 -93x37 -107x25 -93x25 subdims 32x536 0x2172 32x648 32x2446 dimbounds: 0 536 32 2446 Binning from 0x536 to 32x2446 Mapping Pixel coordinates Line 0,2172: -92.9979x36.9946