++ basename /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectandsharpenSDR.sh + FUNC=projectandsharpenSDR.sh ++ dirname /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectandsharpenSDR.sh + scriptDir=/mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts ++ fullpath /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts + scriptDir=/mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts + svmParams=/mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigm.svm.params + sviParams=/mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigm.svi.params + '[' 1 -lt 1 ']' + for binFile in '$@' ++ dirname SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin + dataDir=. ++ fullpath . + dataDir=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028 ++ echo SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin ++ cut -d_ -f1 + prefix=SVM05 ++ echo SVM05 ++ cut -c1-3 + pre=SVM ++ echo SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin ++ cut -d_ -f2-4 + satDateTime=npp_d20120705_t2028301 ++ ls /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lon.bin + lonMFile=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lon.bin ++ ls /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lat.bin + latMFile=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lat.bin ++ ls /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GITCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lon.bin + lonIFile=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GITCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lon.bin ++ ls /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GITCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lat.bin + latIFile=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GITCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lat.bin ++ tail ++ ls /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin + sv5File=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin ++ tail ++ ls /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM04_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin + sv4File=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM04_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin ++ tail ++ ls /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM03_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin + sv3File=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM03_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin ++ tail ++ ls /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVI01_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin + sv1File=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVI01_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin + out5=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin + out4=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM04_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin + out3=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM03_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin + out543=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM050403_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bsq + sharp=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM050403_npp_d20120705_t2028301_sharp.bsq + out1=/mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVI01_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin + /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigmsetlnx -I /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigm.svm.params -b /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin -lf /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lon.bin -LF /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lat.bin -o /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin Read params from Input file /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigm.svm.params Input parameters: BSQ File:-b:Input Filename STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin Output File:-o:Output Filename STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin Map Bounds:-mb:Use Map units for bounds TOG = 0 First Longitude:-f:Upper Left DBL = -107 First Latitude:-F:Upper Left DBL = 37 Last Longitude:-l:Lower Right DBL = -93 Last Latitude:-L:Lower Right DBL = 25 X-resolution:-x:Map Units DBL = 0.0078 Y-resolution:-y:Map Units DBL = 0.0068 Map Proj:-m:GEO,UTM,TCMS/LC,TCMS/AEA,Texas_Ortho,Texas_Stereo,CUSTOM STR = geo UTM Zone:-uz:Requested Zone for UTM INT = -1 Datum:-d:Datum of Projection STR = WGS-84 Longitude File:-lf:longitude band file STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lon.bin Latitude File:-LF:latitude band file STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lat.bin Lon,Lat Bands:-lb:band numbers of lon/lat in file(s) STR = 0,0 Fill Flag:-ff:Fill empty pix:0-no 1-nn 2-wavg 3-sqwavg; <0-interp. all pixels INT = -1 Box Size:-bs:Maximum Fillbox Size INT = 5 Map Coverage:-mc:Use pixel coverage mapping: >0=if nint(in_res/out_res) > ud) 0=no <0=yes INT = 2 Bad Value:-bv:default bad value DBL = -999.7 Data Selection:-ds:comma seperated band number list STR = 0 Dimension Mappings:-dm:use : for dim separator STR = 1,1,0:2,1,0 Geocentric Input:-gc:Map Units TOG = 0 BSQ File = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 list not set Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Available Datafields: 0: SVM05radiance Selected BSQ Bands: 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Geofield Dimensions: 1: height 1137 2: width 3200 Using User Input for Mapping of Geofields to Datafields Datafield 0 height 1137: 1,1,0 from input parameter width 3200: 2,1,0 from input parameter Scene Bounds -95.317436x30.332712 -126.13519x25.694492 -96.01429x37.607716 -129.31322x32.599342 requested llBounds -107 25 -93 37 Mapbounds -107 25 -93 37 newllbounds -107 25 -93 37 Swath Center Resolution 0.00827318x0.00671112 degrees or 0.00827318x0.00671112 map units Requested Map Resolution 0.0078x0.0068 map units Not using pixel coverage deltas Output dims: 1795 pixels by 1765 lines subbounds -107x37 -93x37 -107x25 -93x25 subdims 1119x963 1043x0 0x1205 0x0 dimbounds: 0 0 1119 1205 Binning from 0x0 to 1119x1205 Mapping Pixel coordinates Line 0,1121: -107.009x29.5036 Line 100,1106: -107.001x30.1784 Line 200,1093: -107.009x30.8514 Line 300,1079: -107.005x31.5261 Line 400,1065: -107.003x32.182 Line 500,1052: -107.003x32.8553 Line 600,1040: -107.01x33.5281 Line 700,1027: -107.005x34.2023 Line 800,1015: -107.006x34.8536 Line 900,1001: -107.006x35.5265 Line 1000,984: -107.008x36.1991 Line 1100,967: -107.003x36.873 list not set Gridding Datafield 0.0 to Band 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Line 0 Line 100 Line 200 Line 300 Line 400 Line 500 Line 600 Line 700 Line 800 Line 900 Line 1000 Line 1100 Line 1200 Line 1300 Line 1400 Line 1500 Line 1600 Line 1700 grid->sdata[0].sdata[250]:-22630 Writing grid band 0 to /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin Now Free Stuff Swath deconstructor + /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigmsetlnx -I /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigm.svm.params -b /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM04_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin -lf /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lon.bin -LF /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lat.bin -o /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM04_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin Read params from Input file /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigm.svm.params Input parameters: BSQ File:-b:Input Filename STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM04_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin Output File:-o:Output Filename STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM04_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin Map Bounds:-mb:Use Map units for bounds TOG = 0 First Longitude:-f:Upper Left DBL = -107 First Latitude:-F:Upper Left DBL = 37 Last Longitude:-l:Lower Right DBL = -93 Last Latitude:-L:Lower Right DBL = 25 X-resolution:-x:Map Units DBL = 0.0078 Y-resolution:-y:Map Units DBL = 0.0068 Map Proj:-m:GEO,UTM,TCMS/LC,TCMS/AEA,Texas_Ortho,Texas_Stereo,CUSTOM STR = geo UTM Zone:-uz:Requested Zone for UTM INT = -1 Datum:-d:Datum of Projection STR = WGS-84 Longitude File:-lf:longitude band file STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lon.bin Latitude File:-LF:latitude band file STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lat.bin Lon,Lat Bands:-lb:band numbers of lon/lat in file(s) STR = 0,0 Fill Flag:-ff:Fill empty pix:0-no 1-nn 2-wavg 3-sqwavg; <0-interp. all pixels INT = -1 Box Size:-bs:Maximum Fillbox Size INT = 5 Map Coverage:-mc:Use pixel coverage mapping: >0=if nint(in_res/out_res) > ud) 0=no <0=yes INT = 2 Bad Value:-bv:default bad value DBL = -999.7 Data Selection:-ds:comma seperated band number list STR = 0 Dimension Mappings:-dm:use : for dim separator STR = 1,1,0:2,1,0 Geocentric Input:-gc:Map Units TOG = 0 BSQ File = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM04_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 list not set Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Available Datafields: 0: SVM04radiance Selected BSQ Bands: 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Geofield Dimensions: 1: height 1137 2: width 3200 Using User Input for Mapping of Geofields to Datafields Datafield 0 height 1137: 1,1,0 from input parameter width 3200: 2,1,0 from input parameter Scene Bounds -95.317436x30.332712 -126.13519x25.694492 -96.01429x37.607716 -129.31322x32.599342 requested llBounds -107 25 -93 37 Mapbounds -107 25 -93 37 newllbounds -107 25 -93 37 Swath Center Resolution 0.00827318x0.00671112 degrees or 0.00827318x0.00671112 map units Requested Map Resolution 0.0078x0.0068 map units Not using pixel coverage deltas Output dims: 1795 pixels by 1765 lines subbounds -107x37 -93x37 -107x25 -93x25 subdims 1119x963 1043x0 0x1205 0x0 dimbounds: 0 0 1119 1205 Binning from 0x0 to 1119x1205 Mapping Pixel coordinates Line 0,1121: -107.009x29.5036 Line 100,1106: -107.001x30.1784 Line 200,1093: -107.009x30.8514 Line 300,1079: -107.005x31.5261 Line 400,1065: -107.003x32.182 Line 500,1052: -107.003x32.8553 Line 600,1040: -107.01x33.5281 Line 700,1027: -107.005x34.2023 Line 800,1015: -107.006x34.8536 Line 900,1001: -107.006x35.5265 Line 1000,984: -107.008x36.1991 Line 1100,967: -107.003x36.873 list not set Gridding Datafield 0.0 to Band 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Line 0 Line 100 Line 200 Line 300 Line 400 Line 500 Line 600 Line 700 Line 800 Line 900 Line 1000 Line 1100 Line 1200 Line 1300 Line 1400 Line 1500 Line 1600 Line 1700 grid->sdata[0].sdata[250]:1716 Writing grid band 0 to /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM04_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin Now Free Stuff Swath deconstructor + /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigmsetlnx -I /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigm.svm.params -b /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM03_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin -lf /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lon.bin -LF /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lat.bin -o /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM03_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin Read params from Input file /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigm.svm.params Input parameters: BSQ File:-b:Input Filename STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM03_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin Output File:-o:Output Filename STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM03_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin Map Bounds:-mb:Use Map units for bounds TOG = 0 First Longitude:-f:Upper Left DBL = -107 First Latitude:-F:Upper Left DBL = 37 Last Longitude:-l:Lower Right DBL = -93 Last Latitude:-L:Lower Right DBL = 25 X-resolution:-x:Map Units DBL = 0.0078 Y-resolution:-y:Map Units DBL = 0.0068 Map Proj:-m:GEO,UTM,TCMS/LC,TCMS/AEA,Texas_Ortho,Texas_Stereo,CUSTOM STR = geo UTM Zone:-uz:Requested Zone for UTM INT = -1 Datum:-d:Datum of Projection STR = WGS-84 Longitude File:-lf:longitude band file STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lon.bin Latitude File:-LF:latitude band file STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GMTCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lat.bin Lon,Lat Bands:-lb:band numbers of lon/lat in file(s) STR = 0,0 Fill Flag:-ff:Fill empty pix:0-no 1-nn 2-wavg 3-sqwavg; <0-interp. all pixels INT = -1 Box Size:-bs:Maximum Fillbox Size INT = 5 Map Coverage:-mc:Use pixel coverage mapping: >0=if nint(in_res/out_res) > ud) 0=no <0=yes INT = 2 Bad Value:-bv:default bad value DBL = -999.7 Data Selection:-ds:comma seperated band number list STR = 0 Dimension Mappings:-dm:use : for dim separator STR = 1,1,0:2,1,0 Geocentric Input:-gc:Map Units TOG = 0 BSQ File = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM03_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 list not set Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Available Datafields: 0: SVM03radiance Selected BSQ Bands: 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Geofield Dimensions: 1: height 1137 2: width 3200 Using User Input for Mapping of Geofields to Datafields Datafield 0 height 1137: 1,1,0 from input parameter width 3200: 2,1,0 from input parameter Scene Bounds -95.317436x30.332712 -126.13519x25.694492 -96.01429x37.607716 -129.31322x32.599342 requested llBounds -107 25 -93 37 Mapbounds -107 25 -93 37 newllbounds -107 25 -93 37 Swath Center Resolution 0.00827318x0.00671112 degrees or 0.00827318x0.00671112 map units Requested Map Resolution 0.0078x0.0068 map units Not using pixel coverage deltas Output dims: 1795 pixels by 1765 lines subbounds -107x37 -93x37 -107x25 -93x25 subdims 1119x963 1043x0 0x1205 0x0 dimbounds: 0 0 1119 1205 Binning from 0x0 to 1119x1205 Mapping Pixel coordinates Line 0,1121: -107.009x29.5036 Line 100,1106: -107.001x30.1784 Line 200,1093: -107.009x30.8514 Line 300,1079: -107.005x31.5261 Line 400,1065: -107.003x32.182 Line 500,1052: -107.003x32.8553 Line 600,1040: -107.01x33.5281 Line 700,1027: -107.005x34.2023 Line 800,1015: -107.006x34.8536 Line 900,1001: -107.006x35.5265 Line 1000,984: -107.008x36.1991 Line 1100,967: -107.003x36.873 list not set Gridding Datafield 0.0 to Band 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Line 0 Line 100 Line 200 Line 300 Line 400 Line 500 Line 600 Line 700 Line 800 Line 900 Line 1000 Line 1100 Line 1200 Line 1300 Line 1400 Line 1500 Line 1600 Line 1700 grid->sdata[0].sdata[250]:-9612 Writing grid band 0 to /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM03_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin Now Free Stuff Swath deconstructor + /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigmsetlnx -I /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigm.svi.params -b /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVI01_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin -lf /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GITCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lon.bin -LF /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GITCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lat.bin -o /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVI01_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin Read params from Input file /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/projectigm.svi.params Input parameters: BSQ File:-b:Input Filename STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVI01_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin Output File:-o:Output Filename STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVI01_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin Map Bounds:-mb:Use Map units for bounds TOG = 0 First Longitude:-f:Upper Left DBL = -107 First Latitude:-F:Upper Left DBL = 37 Last Longitude:-l:Lower Right DBL = -93 Last Latitude:-L:Lower Right DBL = 25 X-resolution:-x:Map Units DBL = 0.0039 Y-resolution:-y:Map Units DBL = 0.0034 Map Proj:-m:GEO,UTM,TCMS/LC,TCMS/AEA,Texas_Ortho,Texas_Stereo,CUSTOM STR = geo UTM Zone:-uz:Requested Zone for UTM INT = -1 Datum:-d:Datum of Projection STR = WGS-84 Longitude File:-lf:longitude band file STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GITCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lon.bin Latitude File:-LF:latitude band file STR = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/GITCO_npp_d20120705_t2028301_lat.bin Lon,Lat Bands:-lb:band numbers of lon/lat in file(s) STR = 0,0 Fill Flag:-ff:Fill empty pix:0-no 1-nn 2-wavg 3-sqwavg; <0-interp. all pixels INT = -1 Box Size:-bs:Maximum Fillbox Size INT = 5 Map Coverage:-mc:Use pixel coverage mapping: >0=if nint(in_res/out_res) > ud) 0=no <0=yes INT = 2 Bad Value:-bv:default bad value DBL = -999.7 Data Selection:-ds:comma seperated band number list STR = 0 Dimension Mappings:-dm:use : for dim separator STR = 1,1,0:2,1,0 Geocentric Input:-gc:Map Units TOG = 0 BSQ File = /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVI01_npp_d20120705_t2028301_radiance.bin Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 list not set Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Available Datafields: 0: SVI01radiance Selected BSQ Bands: 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Geofield Dimensions: 1: height 2274 2: width 6400 Using User Input for Mapping of Geofields to Datafields Datafield 0 height 2274: 1,1,0 from input parameter width 6400: 2,1,0 from input parameter Scene Bounds -95.312981x30.329142 -126.13799x25.689863 -96.009315x37.611404 -129.31879x32.601505 requested llBounds -107 25 -93 37 Mapbounds -107 25 -93 37 newllbounds -107 25 -93 37 Swath Center Resolution 0.00414164x0.00335333 degrees or 0.00414164x0.00335333 map units Requested Map Resolution 0.0039x0.0034 map units Not using pixel coverage deltas Output dims: 3590 pixels by 3529 lines subbounds -107x37 -93x37 -107x25 -93x25 subdims 2238x1927 2084x0 0x2411 0x0 dimbounds: 0 0 2238 2411 Binning from 0x0 to 2238x2411 Mapping Pixel coordinates Line 0,2241: -107.001x29.5027 Line 100,2227: -107.002x29.8391 Line 200,2213: -107.004x30.1761 Line 300,2199: -107.001x30.5132 Line 400,2185: -107x30.8505 Line 500,2172: -107.004x31.1869 Line 600,2158: -107.002x31.5245 Line 700,2145: -107.006x31.8608 Line 800,2131: -107.005x32.1797 Line 900,2118: -107.005x32.5166 Line 1000,2105: -107.005x32.853 Line 1100,2092: -107.004x33.1902 Line 1200,2079: -107.001x33.5271 Line 1300,2067: -107.005x33.8636 Line 1400,2054: -107.002x34.2006 Line 1500,2043: -107.005x34.5373 Line 1600,2030: -107.002x34.8519 Line 1700,2018: -107.002x35.1881 Line 1800,2002: -107.003x35.5247 Line 1900,1984: -107.001x35.8612 Line 2000,1967: -107.001x36.1978 Line 2100,1951: -107.004x36.5339 Line 2200,1934: -107x36.8712 list not set Gridding Datafield 0.0 to Band 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Unable to read byte order default is INTEL 0 Line 0 Line 100 Line 200 Line 300 Line 400 Line 500 Line 600 Line 700 Line 800 Line 900 Line 1000 Line 1100 Line 1200 Line 1300 Line 1400 Line 1500 Line 1600 Line 1700 Line 1800 Line 1900 Line 2000 Line 2100 Line 2200 Line 2300 Line 2400 Line 2500 Line 2600 Line 2700 Line 2800 Line 2900 Line 3000 Line 3100 Line 3200 Line 3300 Line 3400 Line 3500 grid->sdata[0].sdata[250]:2776 Writing grid band 0 to /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVI01_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin Now Free Stuff Swath deconstructor + cat /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM04_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM03_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin + sed -n '/ESRI/,/band names/p' /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin.hdr ++ basename /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin .bin + echo SVM05_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg, ++ basename /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM04_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin .bin + echo SVM04_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg, ++ basename /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM03_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin .bin + echo 'SVM03_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg}' + echo 'data gain values= { 1, 1, 1 }' + echo 'data offset values= { 0, 0, 0 }' + echo 'data minimum values= { -1e+100, -1e+100, -1e+100 }' + echo 'data maximum values= { 1e+100, 1e+100, 1e+100 }' + echo 'data ignore value= { -999.7, -999.7, -999.7 }' + /mnt/r4/Software/IDL_WORKDIR/NPPProcessing/scripts/bandsharpenlnx -h /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVI01_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bin -l /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM050403_npp_d20120705_t2028301_reg.bsq -o /mnt/r5/Data/NPP/2012_07_05_187_2028/SVM050403_npp_d20120705_t2028301_sharp.bsq