"Clifford D. Ferris" 03/02/2012 08:23 AM To Matt_Bowser@fws.gov cc bcc Subject Re: Three more moth photos Hi Matt, I believe the moth in the attached photo goes with: http://arctos.database.museum/guid/KNWR:Ento:7336 I'm on a different computer where I have only an e-mail connection and no web browser. On re-checking the image a few minutes ago, I made the ID. It is a very trashed specimen of Xestia c-nigrum (L.). I have many AK records, including the Kenai Pen. The species is found over most of North America. Thanks for your offer to send specimens for me to ID. At the moment, it's not worth the effort to send just the Eupithecia sp. specimen, unless you have a pressing need for the species name. Regards, Cliff